背叛自己的好友——用谎言铺开通往成功的道路。在多人社交推理游戏《Eville》的世界里,你会发现自己所在的村庄被一连串谋杀案组成的疑云笼罩着。有人会说,嫌疑犯可能就是你——这是真的吗? 努力说服别人,让别人相信你不是杀人犯,这样才能存活下来!
•安装了Microsoft Store services的Windows 10 x64版本1909或更高版本。•在线修复包括如何玩:1.运行UWP_Helper。蝙蝠,位于游戏文件夹中。(执行一次)2.打开开发者模式(启用开发者模式)。(如有必要,重新启动电脑)(执行一次)3.安装游戏(安装游戏)。(执行一次)4.关闭显影模式(禁用显影模式)。(执行一次)5.从\u CommonRedist文件夹安装Xbox组件(否则游戏将“挂起”在初始屏幕上)6.通过“开始”菜单启动游戏。NOTE:• At least Windows 10 x64 version 1909 or later with Microsoft Store services installed.• Online Fix Inclu.How To Play:1. Run UWP_Helper.bat, which is located in the game folder. (performed once)2. Turn on the developer mode (Enable Developer Mode). (we reboot the PC, if necessary) (performed once)3. Install the game (Install Game). (performed once)4. Turn off the developer mode (Disable Developer Mode). (performed once)5. Install the Xbox component from the _CommonRedist folder (otherwise the game will “hang” on the splash screen)6. Launch the game through the start menu.v1.0.19.0联机版|容量2.81GB|官方简体中文|支持键盘.鼠标.手柄发