
《马克思佩恩 3》是一款第三人称射击游戏,如同系列前作,玩家会在游戏中控制角色 Max Payne。此作的特色是镜头置在角色身后并辅准心作瞄准,但这只是作装饰只用,而无任何特别功用。此作亦重新加入第一作中使用的子弹时间特效,而在子弹时间中更可看到子弹贯穿敌人身体所留下的子弹孔。

名称: Max Payne 3
类型: 动作
开发商: Rockstar Studios
发行商: Rockstar Games
发行日期: 2012 年 6 月 1 日


OS: Windows 7 64-Bit Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.4 GHZ – i7 3930K 6 Core x 3.06 GHZ / AMD Dual Core 2.6 GHZ – FX-8150 8 Core x 3.6 GHZ
Memory: 2GB – 16GB RAM
Hard Drive: 35GB of free HDD Space
Graphics: NVIDIA® 8600 GT 512MB VRAM – NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 680 2GB VRAM / Radeon HD 3400 512MB VRAM – Radeon HD 7970 3GB VRAM
Sound Card: 100% Direct X 9.0 compatible – Direct X 9.0 compatible supporting Dolby Digital Live

Initial activation requires internet connection and Rockstar Social Club (13+ to register); software installation required including Sony DADC SecuROM; DirectX, and Microsoft’s Windows .NET Framework, and Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86).

Please refer to your hardware manufacturer and for current compatibility information. Some system components such as integrated graphics cards may be incompatible. Unlisted specifications may not be supported by publisher.

Please check the terms of service of this site before purchasing this software.
Over time downloadable content and programming changes will change the system requirements for this game. Please refer to your hardware manufacturer and for current compatibility information. Some system components such as mobile chipsets, integrated, and AGP graphics cards may be incompatible. Unlisted specifications may not be supported by publisher.





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